Gallery ㅣ Song Ho Jun Gallery
Song Ho Jun


Ho Jun Song finished a master degree in Fine Art Education with a bachelor degree in Fine Art at Dong-A University.
He is on doctor degree in Architecture at same university.
His works have been invited by Asia Pacific Culture Centre, Washington, U.S.A, International Contemporary Modern Art Exhibition, Yokohama and Tokyo, Japan etc. He has shown his works through solo exhibitions, joint exhibition and group exhibitions since 1988.
He was actively involved in Green Food Show and Built Environment Exhibition of Busan International Architectural Culture Festival as director of design.
He is a member of City Image Network organized by Munhwa Broadcast Corp. and Hwal Group.
He lectured Fine Art, Architectural painting and Environment Design at DongEui University and Dong Seo University as the invited professor.
He is lecturing about Architectural Design at Dong-A University and Bu Kyung University and running C&S Environment Art Research at present.

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